New production 359s with 369 pax, as 333 replacement. We've been discussing before PAL preference to the B789s as compared 339s and Airbus offer of the 359s. While 789s is 3-3-3, 359s is 3-4-3. The only question is whether it could come home from LAX to MNL with 369 pax and 42t payload which i seriously doubt.
According to my source, while Stan stated the 35k to be 10 abreast, the airline has not yet "finalized the configuration" as they are still going to be "extensively evaluated" in the coming months if this is what the
airline directions would be. So there is still chance for it to become 3-3-3 after all. Otherwise, if these sardine can configuration is the way to the future, then so does the 333 replacement. Which is horrifying experience for back seaters in long haul flights, from 18 inches to 16 inches seats.
Initial signs however has pointed to this direction, ie 320, 333 and 359 densifications. But my source pointed they are rightsizing the fleet to the longest route they are serving, which is a fair point.
Making Sense