Evodesire wrote
Thank you for setting this up Arriane!
Anyway, question regarding the EX3s. It seems like 8760 which is an IGW A330 does not have IFEs. Are there chances that the 5 remaining HGW 244T A330s have the EX3s? Or maybe this would be used for the ultra long haul aircraft?
That is possible.
I never said they will be installed on the new A330. What I said was they might because of the existing contract.
This was what I said on August 30, 2013
Originally Posted by evodesire
Please PM me the answer why. Thanks!
The answer was posted here before. I did manage to find it and it seems
trainsignal knew about this long before I did few pages back. So I guess its not so secret anymore.

Originally Posted by trainsignal
i think PAL is looking at the same direction with Qantas with its IFE&C (Inflight ENtertainment and Connectivity) offering. Airline-provided tablets as IFE vs embedded monitors.
According to them, the wired IFE is passe, heavy and expensive. They will be deploying instead the Wireless IFE systems which is more efficient. Its the future of air travel they say. PR is equipping seats with power ports precisely for wireless inflight entertainment services. A forumer did describe the port holes in the A321.
They are indeed following Qantas direction. Seeing QA photos pretty much mirrors the A321 now and the forthcoming A330's. The wireless IFE can be added, changed and withdrawn from the aircraft anytime. Makes sense.
So that is the reason why they have power ports and boring cabins.

By the way, the proper term for that IFE thing is seat back In Flight Entertainment system. They call it semi embedded portables.
Perhaps this also answers the questions on ipad charging. A customized galley carts, possibly from PC Locs too.
Making Sense