Don't get too excited. Last time I checked with them, its neither confirmed nor denied. Funny things about people is that they give you a hint without breaking the rules. I am just doing them justice.
Anyhow, we did discuss marketing in the erstwhile thread. And this is where it becomes confusing. What prevented PAL from doing catchy marketing is the ELEGANCE of style. You don't have to look cheap to drive the point, i.e. sales. And this is where most of us are lost. We have a state of mind that resembles them to be a low cost carrier which they aren't. There is no form of marketing that buys GOODWILL. And only one airline in the Philippines has plenty of that.
Making Sense
Yepz, I was comparing PAL's ads before and its like they lost that sense of elegance in their ads and even their marketing style. Well, their TVC had it, so I thought they would continue with such style but I wonder why they went back to those all text ads.
Anyway, talking about PAL's long haul fleet, how I wish they put an order for those A350s too soon. Or maybe Boeing is style fighting over to win orders but it seems like Airbus gives better financing schemes and better delivery dates. Those A340s are just interim aircraft and of course, have aged already, including those ex-IBs. Also, should PAL be flying to NYC, it seems like the polar route would be the best route. But how are talks with Russia lately? Have they completely failed? |
Well they do consider the new triple seven. Its a Boeing. And decision for that is forthcoming as well. Farnborough?
As to NYC, I have no information about that but would agree with you that polar is the best route thus far. But my best bet would be similar to where they flew Toronto before and that is via Alaska. Not the fastest route but so does London.
Making Sense
Nice! We gotta keep our eyes on that!
In reply to this post by Arianespace
I feel that their marketing department so far is just a victim of their ambitious expansion. You want to change a lot of things with new management, but you can only focus on so many different areas at the same time. Maybe once their operations have settled down, they'll pay more attention to it.
What I am curious about, though is what the short-term long-haul expansion is going to be like. What are delivery slots for the 77W like over the next two years? Technically, there is a possible danger of losing cat 1 after two years, so would it not be wise to hedge against that and stabilize US ops with a decent fleet within the next two years? On that note, what if PAL chose the A346 back in the day? Deliveries would've been faster, and they could've improved their US product before cat-2 struck. |
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In reply to this post by Arianespace
A possible 777X announcement -- One more thing to look forward to at Farnborough in July then!
And thanks a heap for setting this forum up.
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In reply to this post by Arianespace
from Jun JP of PPSG;
Some news regarding PR. 1. Total of (8) combination of 340 and 330 will be for sale. 2. All A319-200 will be returned to leasing company. 3. (4) Aircraft will be leased by Viet Jet 4. Additional of 1 more A340-300 from IB will join the fleet 5. Buy on board will be implemented on ALL ME flight. 6. ONE BRAND - The application in SEC and CAB has been approved but no appproval yet from CAAP. There is no need to change the manuals of PALex to PAL. There should be a distinction between the 2 companies. Ground personnel of PALex have starting using the same uniform as PAL Ground personnel. |
In reply to this post by Arianespace
By the way, what will happen to all the B744 crew? are they rated for the B77Ws as well or will they transition to the 777s?
For the flight deck, I guess many of the 747 pilots are being rated for 777s already. As for the cabin crew, many did not undergo 747 rating anymore.
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In reply to this post by romantic_guy08
PAL doesn't owned those planes anymore.
By the way, the PAL tri-class A330 has 368 passengers, that is 323 in economy, 27 in premium economy and 18 business class seat. At 9 abreast in economy you are better off seating the old A330's 2-4-2 at 18 than the 3-3-3 at 16.5. Being in premium economy doesn't make a difference as you will have the same seat. The only difference is the pitch. ![]() The business class seat is however top notch. Fully Flat. Better than triple seven. Not bad at all. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The link to this picture is provided by hybridace101 in the other forum.
Making Sense
Looks good! But do Y and Y+ seats have USB ports and sockets?
I guess the existing contract for EX3s may be applied on the ultra-long haul orders. It shows that the bi-class A330s will be used for Australia and other medium haul flights like Japan. That business class on the A330s look good though! |
The new MCL seats look like its made of a cheaper kind of leather. I can't believe am saying this, but I think the material on the A321s look better. However, this is still a significant improvement from the legacy A330s.
All these changes are exciting. I was already told that all the Ex-IBE aircraft (except the newly delivered 3439) now have AVOD on MCL. ECY still have overhead projectors though they were converted to digital format, so the movies are clearer now compared to those taped based movies of yesteryears. I can't wait to fly this plane. |
these new A333s though have more seats in YCL (368)... compare to the A330-301s total capacity of 302...
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In reply to this post by airboy007
I hope these A330's aisle won't be as narrow as the ones of the A321 wherein during service, nobody can squeeze along the sides unlike the current A320s in the fleet. With the monoclass A330, I'm not sure if it's the same as the legacy one where the aisles are quite spacious. |
In reply to this post by Arianespace
B77Ws to operate to SFO every Tuesday and Friday effective Friday, May 9...
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In reply to this post by seven13
I highly doubt that. The ECY layout is already at 3-3-3 which is already one seat more than the legacy (2-4-2) in each row, so i guess this one is also quite tight. Anyhow, has anyone heard about the PAL App that will allow passengers to watch movies and play games on their own devices while on board? I do not know the details but I heard earlier, this will have to be downloaded at the airport, or prior to the flight. |
Nice! Recurrent training for the cabin crew qualification on the 747 is slated to be discontinued effective June too. So I guess, the Queen of the Skies will be leaving the fleet sooner than expected. |
In reply to this post by airboy007
I'm still hoping though. Good thing I've always been on an A320 and once on an A321. Yeah. I saw several pictures about PAL inAir app is downloadable via Google Play! I don't know if its already usable though. |
In reply to this post by airboy007
I believe the PAL InAir app is available already at Google Play.
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In reply to this post by romantic_guy08
And with this seating plan, their new tri-class A330 could never reach Vancouver, which means that the longest they can do is Honolulu or the Middle East. Of course we already have A330 for the middle east so this product is truly for regional destinations only. Had they had leaner capacity of 302, Vancouver to Manila could be easily achieved and these type can be deployed there. And that would also mean that they have to configure it 2-4-2 and not 3-3-3. By the way, an economy seat in the new A330 is smaller than an economy seat on the A320. So if you feel tight on the A320, don't try to fly on these birds unless you do on business class. ![]()
Making Sense
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