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PNoy orders construction of third runway at NAIAReuters How can you construct something when the bidding for its design doesn't even fly? We may have to see construction of parallel runway completed further back to 2017 at the earliest. Funny thing about consultancy contract is that government asked for more with less money. This new runway is supposed to start construction by 2015 for an opening date of 2016 to be operational until 2027-2030 when Sangley airport is expected to be fully functioning. With this sitback I am seeing, nay, I am predicting Sangley airport to be open around 2027, two years after the propose opening year if we're lucky. Otherwise, it should be 2030 at the latest. And by the way things are I am also predicting Sangley airport construction to start around 2018 at the earliest and 2020 at the latest. Already the news did not sit well for PAL which proximates its order to NAIA expansion. Even CEB is affected by it as it also based its aircraft orders on the new slots that will be open in 2017. It has 30 planes arriving starting 2017 to 2021, all 321NEO's. We should be seeing some cancellations or deferrals to some of them pretty soon. All this decision (fleet expansion) having been made in 2011 when DOTC under Mar Roxas promised the airlines to take care of the facility, which is the airport. Now they have no airport to land their ordered planes when they arrive. The message went to the President. Thus, a call to Abaya. As to Terminal 4, that is a misquote. The president said it clearly that he wants Terminal 2 and 3 expanded instead of building another one. And DOTC are doing the designs right now. Do note however that building Terminal 5 for LCC is the agency plan. And as Pnoy said "What for?" the rest of the conversation got ugly. The point of the President there was that why build another LCC terminal adjacent to Terminal 3 when you can expand Terminal 3 to do that? Knowing how greedy DOTC is, probably they will propose this again to Binay when he becomes President.
Making Sense
The flyover was indeed an obstruction but never a problem in the propose runway. It still clears 3 degrees from end of runway. And there are always solution to obstruction problem. Airport designers call it "runway threshold displacement".
Making Sense
CAAP reevaluating plan to put up 3rd Naia runwayMiguel R. CamusPDI
Making Sense
Call it lack of foresight? Actually it isn't.
The ATM project predates the dream of the parallel runway. Because DOTC said they gonna build a new airport from scratch. So design plan for the radar station sits on top of the propose new runway. The new VOR is likewise there. As for C-5 flyover, it was approved by ATO because there was no plan to build a parallel runway then, and there is likewise a remedy for the obstruction earlier stated, and another approach remedy made famous by London's City airport. It is bounded by a bridge and a flyover with a bonus skyscrapers along the way. ![]() Speaking of London, Air Traffic operator NATS Ltd of the United Kingdom is bidding for this runway project and would probably apply the famous London city airport approach procedure for runway 24L. Other contractors where Mitre Corporation of United States, and Copenhagen Airport of Denmark. As for the radar, it can always be relocated and re-calibrated. The problem now is that those airport consultants wont do the legwork unless hired. I think that is fair proposition because the job order entails costs which must be compensated by the government which DOTC won't pay. That is the reason why the bid failed twice because they are quoting above the minimum bid. Quality Engineering Designs (QED) happen to be expensive.
Making Sense
Those are big names! I hope it pushes through plus WE HOPE that the new airport wherever it will be relocated/built will push through!
RSA is quite quiet now with his cyberbay airport. |
In reply to this post by Arianespace
In the end, this forecast was right.
I can imagine that the airlines are really pissed off about this. At least Clark is there to take the spillover. |
Sharing some of NAIA's transport system nobody seems to bother
Terminal 2 Remote Transport ![]() Terminal 2 and 3 Transfer, and Terminal 3 Remote Transport ![]() Terminal 1,2,3 Airside Transport Service ![]() Traffic-free Transfer Service ![]()
Making Sense
By the way, demolition of Airport View subdivision has began all the way to Bella Vista to make way for the new runway, and some nice developments about the hotel
Making Sense
So the condo apartment will be demolished too?
I don't know there is a condo or a high rise building there. The highest I've seen is a 3 storey building.
Anyway, for those who know RPLL, N5 and N6 is also under construction. NTP was issued two weeks ago. Mind you this was in the drawing board since 2010.
Making Sense
Yup that is the one sir. The 3 storey condo
Are you referring to Bella Vista? I don't think they'll be affected. If you live there that's gonna be one noisy place.
Making Sense
I wish i live there :) i went there in 2011 when it was a open house. I rememmber they made a sound proof on tbe windows but viewing it there is drooling to watch and take pictures. On the other side of its perimeter wall is the c5 extension
Its a good place to watch not a good place to live.
Making Sense
The latest buzz at NAIA apparently is this news report.
Somebody told me the Secretary was probably misquoted about the consultant's statement relative to the new runway. Verification from the consultant revealed a different view, apparently saying that a new runway is best complimened by a new terminal located at C5. Of course he did not figure how to address terminal connectivity as he was merely asked about runway movements. Here is a separate report from business world which is more accurate
Making Sense
Does anybody know when is the estimated date of completion of the new apron on the PVH area? How many aircrafts are able to park there simultaneously?
The question was already answered even before they took shape. Perhaps you may want to read back.
Making Sense
In reply to this post by seven13
I know when and how many gates
You forgot already. Your question was already answered and you reply to it |
In reply to this post by Arianespace
Oops. May bad. I already saw the post.
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