Manila International Airport

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Re: Sangley


The newspapers are talking about the San Miguel proposal. So it's apparently been formally submitted. I only saw two photos of the plan from the inquirer article, and it looks a lot less grandiose. It looks more like the layout of Taipei or changi. Now, has anyone seen the actual detailed proposal? Does it have a chance of getting approved? I thought sangley was already the way to go.
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Re: Sangley

Solblanc wrote
The newspapers are talking about the San Miguel proposal. So it's apparently been formally submitted. I only saw two photos of the plan from the inquirer article, and it looks a lot less grandiose. It looks more like the layout of Taipei or changi. Now, has anyone seen the actual detailed proposal? Does it have a chance of getting approved? I thought sangley was already the way to go.
Sangley it is.

The SMC proposal was the same document that they have during Aquino's time. They have actually two proposals. So its not new.

It won't fly for the same old reason,  its proximity to Clark. Until the government decides to abandon Clark will it become feasible.

But as I told you before there are plenty of forces behind the delay. It would have been simpler if they just bid on the mega project but other group wanted the project on their own that they are offering heaven and earth for the government to give it to them. Better wait for the official tender. It will come soon.

Even NAIA PPP suffers suspension because of the long concession period. If we follow that line of thinking, we should start building a new airport 15 years later instead of now. See the fault?

The official policy of DOTC and DU30 government is to develop Clark and Sangley. That is the reason they are fast tracking the rail so that excess capacity will go there in Clark at the same time make use of Sangley while a new airport takes shapes. Unfortunately that runs inconsistent with NAIA PPP as proponents want additional traffic not in Clark but in NAIA. See the difference?
Making Sense
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Delta in MNL

It seems that it's only a matter of time before MNL gets cut too. TPE has been cut already and now MNL is just running one daily 767.

My question is who moves to T3 once DL is gone? Will anyone move?

Speaking of moving, are there any planned carriers to move to T3?

Unfortunately, Delta doesn't have a following like Northwest did when it was around.
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Re: Manila International Airport

In reply to this post by seven13
And we were hoping NAIA gets decongested in two years with the rehab of Sangley; unfortunately the bid and drawings are out and its only for genav( runway upgrade, hangars, admin and ops facilities, and small terminal); none of the commercial airline transfer from T4 like what we thought and has been talked about. Still helps but not quite as much.
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Delta in MNL

In reply to this post by maortega15
Don't count on it just yet. You might be in for a big surprise!
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Manila International Airport

In reply to this post by tigz
Wait till you see the next drawing  
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Re: Manila International Airport

Well, it better be good; there is movement now in Lumbia for the future home of 15th strike wing. I was thinking once the relocation is complete, Sangley will have its runway extended and 1000pax terminal and ramp established to replace terminal 4.
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Manila International Airport

More like this one?

Making Sense
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Clark International Airport

Before everyone gets too excited about CIA, lets put first the following perspective without the political propaganda.

1. Clark will not replace Manila airport
2. There is no such thing as new Clark airport masterplan because there is none.  That is only a spin.
3. Every improvement at Clark is still based on the old plan, including the railway which is being fast track now.

If they show you pictures that look like the one posted below please remember it is only a concept design if Clark would replace Manila prepared by BCDA of course, not the actual airport development plan because there was nothing new.

CIA Masterplan 2017

I did have a big smile when Vince puts this forward for implementation at the forum. Projects that are implemented however were prepared by DOTr because BCDA and CIAC don't think clearly and their enthusiasm is always misplaced. The project as you know is all DOTr which resulted to tempered expectations.

If you must know why the negativity, look at two other idle BCDA airports in San Fernando and Lallo. And beside, a 1 million ppa CRK traffic already has 4.5 mppa terminal. That all gives you 20% utilization rate for the next two years. Where's the point of the next 4 million ppa when Cebu, Davao, Laguindingan, Iloilo, Bacolod and Tacloban needs more of its capacity.

4. There is however a plan for low cost carrier (LCC) terminal that was prepared by ADPI in 2013. What they prepared was the terminal not the airport. Lets be clear about that.
5. DU30 government is developing both Manila and Clark. Of course I already said that.
Making Sense
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Re: Clark International Airport

Arianespace wrote
Before everyone gets too excited about CIA, lets put first the following perspective without the political propaganda.

1. Clark will not replace Manila airport
2. There is no such thing as new Clark airport masterplan because there is none.  That is only a spin.
3. Every improvement at Clark is still based on the old plan, including the railway which is being fast track now.

If they show you pictures that look like the one posted below please remember it is only a concept design if Clark would replace Manila prepared by BCDA of course, not the actual airport development plan because there was nothing new.

CIA Masterplan 2017

I did have a big smile when Vince puts this forward for implementation at the forum. Projects that are implemented however were prepared by DOTr because BCDA and CIAC don't think clearly and their enthusiasm is always misplaced. The project as you know is all DOTr which resulted to tempered expectations.

If you must know why the negativity, look at two other idle BCDA airports in San Fernando and Lallo. And beside, a 1 million ppa CRK traffic already has 4.5 mppa terminal. That all gives you 20% utilization rate for the next two years. Where's the point of the next 4 million ppa when Cebu, Davao, Laguindingan, Iloilo, Bacolod and Tacloban needs more of its capacity.

4. There is however a plan for low cost carrier (LCC) terminal that was prepared by ADPI in 2013. What they prepared was the terminal not the airport. Lets be clear about that.
5. DU30 government is developing both Manila and Clark. Of course I already said that.
how I wish I could share this one on the other side...especially with one who is absolutely idiot
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Re: Clark International Airport

chowpau wrote
how I wish I could share this one on the other side...especially with one who is absolutely idiot
Fieldsofdreams is an idiot?! Who knew!?!?!
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Re: Clark International Airport

This post was updated on .
tameme na si FOD...there is one, romyman
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Re: Clark International Airport

chowpau wrote
tameme na si FOD...there is one, romyman
What do you mean by tameme?!
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Re: Clark International Airport

natahimikan sya
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Terminal 3

I just passed through T3 over the weekend.

Not just MNL is a disgrace, but the entire country also to be honest. Everything appears to be cheaply made. The signage, the building itself and even the ID's of employees which seems to be handwritten along with the cameras used in the immigration counter as well as the computers. They are using A4 tech cameras along with a computer built from scratch. Not like HP, Dell or any major computer manufacturer. The body scanners were not being used. Paint was literally peeling, so many defects in every aspect of the building and you can even see exposed waste pipes.

There has been no improvement in the HVAC system since I first passed there in 2015. You can feel the heat and humidity as soon your first step off the aircraft. Not really a good first impression for first time visitors. I used the Cathay Pacific lounge and they were using Dyson fans. It's embarrassing to have a luxurious airline lounge, but without a properly running HVAC system in a tropical country.

The internet connection was slightly better than last year, but still needs major improvement.

The Philippines especially MNL is being left behind by its neighbors. HKG is expanding and it's comparable to building a brand new airport. Work has started and should be done by 2024! BKK is also expanding and Vietnam is currently building a new airport to replace SGN. I'm not going to even mention SIN. Mentioning SIN in the same sentence with MNL is blasphemous.

PH - full of never ending studies along with politicians who neither  can't make up their minds or just don't know what the hell they're doing.
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Terminal 3

You can always blame that to Congress. They decreed that what should be build is not only the cheapest but also the most affordable one. Try reading RA 9184 to know what I'm talking about.
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In reply to this post by Arianespace
I was saying this in February and some posters here continue to asked the same question. They could just have backread instead of moan which is not that difficult really.

For those folks who are too lazy to backread here is the official position of DOTC today disclosed in yesterday's broadsheet.

Manuel Antonio Tamayo, DOTr undersecretary for aviation, told reporters that the government would proceed with its own plans to decongest Naia, including developing a portion of the nearby Sangley Point, Cavite air base and Clark International Airport in Pampanga as alternative gateways.

Read more:
I think there is no difference between DOTC statement and mine.
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Re: Sangley


Btw, any news on the Sangley Bidding? The last update in the DoTr website is from February

I couldn't find anything on if the bidding took place, or if the project was awarded
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Re: Sangley

In reply to this post by Arianespace
Does the government have any plans (beyond just feasibility) already serious enough to decongest NAIA?  We are already 1 year into the present administration and it seems we are still in the same situation as with the past administration.  I know PAL was already diverting some of their international arrivals to T1, but now, they are diverting some arrival flights that is supposed to be at T2 to T3.  Terminals and runway wise, we really need to find the next airport complex.
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Re: Sangley


A new terminal will rise in Clark by 2020 to take on the spillover traffic. Bidding starts this month. A train will also be built to connect it to Manila.
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