I've answered this question in 2016 and it seems nobody bothered to back read what I've said.
So you see, If only you are taking particular attention to my post you would know exactly the sentiment of the government and the answer to your question. You could actually see them happening now. ![]() ![]()
Making Sense
That was the easy part. Now the hard part. Do remember the limitations on funding investments by local governments in RA7160. It made me smile while Tugade makes a clever move. Passing the ball to another. A polite way of saying yes but others said no. Brilliant. Good Luck breaking the legal barrier. You may want to read this first before asking questions.
Making Sense
Considering Arthur Tugade previous position as President and CEO of the Clark Development Corporation. I'm not surprised that he prefer Clark City over Stangly Point as the next International Gateway Airport of the Philippines. |
As I was saying:
Making Sense
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Arianespace
Jarius Bondoc of the Philippine Star just made a sales pitch for SMC at his column. I did explained it in the previous page why it is so. Perhaps he did not have a clue yet.
Keyword is NO GOVERNMENT GUARANTY, NO GOVERNMENT SUBSIDY. Mahirap ba talaga intindihin to, o talaga lang ayaw intindihin? And there is more to it. In the propose Concession Agreement SMC wants to incorporate NAIA improvement works, meaning they will be the one operating NAIA instead of it being subjected to swiss challenge as propose by NAIA consortium. Clever ey! SMC really has plenty of explaining to do instead of paying journalists their version of the story and why government doesn't heed their way. Meanwhile, I also told this forum why it can't be done. Therefore, despite the Senate circus, MIAA expansion would move on, Clark would grow, and Sangley will expand. Whether SMC likes it or not. Take it from Transportation Secretary Arthur Tugade himself,
Making Sense
It is a welcoming delight to hear other people validating what I just said in this thread few pages back about SMC airport. Its almost a year now. Exactly what I said.
Is the Bulacan airport doomed?The bombshell of course comes from congressman Pichay during this morning's congressional hearing. They just propose to earmarked 2.5-3 billion pesos for Clark parallel runway construction for 2019 budget. Totally unprecedented but really makes a lot of sense.
Making Sense
This should be interesting read about Sangley.
Making Sense
Do you think its doable?
The runway extension and repair is already completed. They are building the terminal now which is possible to be ready by November. I think the unresolved problem now is the accessibility issue. The access road to the terminal is yet to be constructed.
Making Sense
In reply to this post by Solblanc
Cebu Pacific is gonna be the first airline to use this airport.
Making Sense
![]() Meanwhile In China, Cavite Government plans to build and operate Sangley International Airport suffered a major flaw after the governor wasn't able to answer the question raised by President Duterte in Beijing. Funding sources. Remulla would have wanted funds from the Beijing's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as source of funding. In other words, Beijing grant. Wrong answer. The thing about BRI is that it is a foreign assisted loan, like KOICA or JICA assisted projects, and the Philippine government is the debtor. Sovereign Guarantee that is. From that standpoint, Cavite government proposal is already inconsistent with the Philippines’ infrastructure and other development plans since it will ultimately be paying for the project the province wants. Meanwhile, BRI funded project like Manila-Bicol Railway, Subic-Clark Railway is already on the roll and they benefit the million public. They are implemented by DOTr. The Sangley project would have Cavite as its sole beneficiary. See the difference? The answer should have been more like SMC proposal for Bulacan airport, where the national government will not spend a single dime for its construction. It simply isn't. They were told numerous times by DOTr and NEDA to revise the offer. Make Chinese companies invest real money without guarantee of some sort. If the government is bend on spending for this massive project, it would have taken Japan offer which is relatively cheaper than those offered by China. But it didn't. Remulla advisers should have known that clue already. Or maybe there is something I don't know yet. By the way, any news from now that this Cavite plan is approved is false.
Making Sense
In reply to this post by Arianespace
And the statement made here a month ago has just been confirmed by Sec. Tugade this morning. ![]()
Making Sense
This is how the Terminal looks like now
![]() ![]() Not too shabby isn't it?
Making Sense
![]() PTB Airside. Left: Pre-deparure. Right: Arrival ![]() Pre-departure Area. Originally designed to handle just 160 passengers, it is now upgraded to handle 200 passengers per hour. ![]() Left: Arrival area, Right: Check-In Counter Area ![]() Security Checks Area and the parking and drop area
Making Sense
![]() Truly fast. Really fast.
Making Sense
DOTr sources disclosed today that Cavite government has no problem getting Sangley if they are not too ambitious. Like building a ONE RUNWAY international standard airport. And they might just be doing that.
Making Sense
Well, if DOTR approves it, it pretty much makes the case for closing NAIA. People in the southern provinces will have an airport in Sangley so they don't have to go all the way to Clark and Bulacan. And I can imagine all the land developers are drooling over more land being made available in the NAIA aerodrome. |
Don't the NAIA consortium just want to throw their money on Sangley? Unless their primary purpose of developing NAIA is so they can build malls and condos.
In reply to this post by Arianespace
Like I said it would. Works like a charm. Everytime!
Making Sense
Curious if PR/2P have plans to operate flights at Stangley probably the reason why 5J/DG is first is due to them still operating turborprop aircraft at MNL while 2P moved theres Q400 to CRK?
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