DC-3 turbo conversion

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DC-3 turbo conversion

James Jackson
Have any Philippine aviation carriers considered the Basler Turbo 67 (http://www.baslerturbo.com/)?
+ Stage III Noise Certification
+ Load- 5 Tons (43% Increase over Piston DC-3)
+ Power- PT6A-67R Turbo Prop Engines
+ Space-1225 Cubic Feet  (35% Increase)
+ Speed- 210 KTAS
+ Systems- All New Fuel,Hydraulic, Electrical, and Avionics

It looks very suitable for the Philippines.
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DC-3 turbo conversion

I'm no expert here but I don't think this will gonna work. The Philippines is now busy grounding old planes with no approved parts from the manufacturer. And with an antique plane flying that is gonna be an expensive flight economy wise.
Making Sense