Somebody from Cotabato called my attention to comment on this deal.
First and foremost, this is not self executing. See section 15. That is they still need to secure NEDA Approval and other government processes to pass PPP, assuming this to be an airport project similar to Bulacan.
Second, Cotabato City does not own Awang airport. It is owned by DOTr and the AFP, ie National government. See section 13. Tamontaka is just adjacent to Awang where expansion project is heading. It is actually the site of the P2 Billion ADP where new PTB and taxiway similar to Puerto Princesa to be funded by DOTr are going to be constructed within the next 5 years. The proposed Timaco seaport and industrial complex is all Cotabato City as the DOTr port is located in Parang.
Conclusion, this contract is all seaport and industrial complex project. Airport wise, its simply not possible, but the mayor can always dream.
Making Sense