Boracay Airport

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Boracay Airport

Making Sense
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Extension of Boracay airport

Are there any news regarding an extension of this busy airport. There are more movements than in Davao already. So Boracay airport has become number 3 after Manila and Cebu
However, there is
- no taxiway end to end
- a short runway which does not allow flights to Korea
- an inadequate terminal for the departure and arrivals (looks like a busstation)
- no transfer from the terminal to Boracay directly (perfect in the Maledives)
- traffic in the holding above Carabao and Kalibo (as the current airport cannot handle so much traffic)
- no planes bigger than A320 allowed (why not A321?)
- night operations limited to Turboprop

I think San Miguel needs to do something about it

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Re: Extension of Boracay airport

Maybe Chowpau would be kind enough to answer this newbie.
Making Sense
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Re: Boracay Airport

Gustavo J Oppenheimer
In reply to this post by Arianespace